Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Beginning

The Beginning

I'm finally getting started at blogging, thanks to being nudged by my wonderful new editor at Carolrhoda. We'll see where this leads! 

While I'm thinking of insightful things to write here, and getting deeper into my YA novel in progress, Permanent Record, I'll just send you over to my website to get to know me better:


  1. Welcome to blogging, Elaine! Looking forward to visiting you here often in the coming months.

    Lizann, still trying to figure out the blogging thing herself!

  2. Thanks, Lizann - it's good to know there's someone else here trying to figure things out!

  3. Hi Elaine --
    I started with the October posts when I first found your blog, but decided to go back to the bottom and work my way up. What a great idea!
